Dear Friends,
In a year where all of our rhythms, routines, and lives have seen massive disruption, we embrace the joy and traditions of the holiday season.  It is telling that so many traditions in the northern hemisphere have people gathering at the darkest part of the year to celebrate hope and faith for a better future.

This year, more than any in recent memory, we need this hope.  And, despite all that has happened over the past ten months, we see many signs that hope is alive and well--in the acts of generosity and kindness for those we know and those we don’t know, in the courage of those front-line workers in health care and other essential services, and in the very act of continuing to honor those traditions that connect us to each other.  Being farther apart this year reminds us of the importance of community and invites us to recommit to the essential work of growing that community.

At the same time, we mourn the loss of all those who will not begin the new year with us and offer our deepest sympathy to their loved ones. May the stars in the winter night's sky remind us of the brightness they brought to the world.

And may we continue to bring that same brightness to a world in need.

From the quiet of Saint Joseph’s College, we wish all of you the Merriest of Christmases and the Happiest of Holidays.

James S. Dlugos, Ph.D.