David Hammond
David Hammond
PhD, The Catholic University of America
MA, The Catholic University of America
AB, University of Note Dame

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David Hammond was an associate professor in the Department of Philosophy, Theology, and Religious Studies at Wheeling Jesuit University, Wheeling, West Virginia, from 1988 to 2008. He was appointed multiple times as chair of the Religious Studies Department, twice as chair of the Philosophy Department, and twice as director of the Master of Arts in Applied Theology program. The faculty elected him in 1998 to be the third recipient of the university’s “Professor of the Year Award” for excellence in teaching and scholarship. He has also served as a member of the board of directors of the College Theology Society.

A number of his articles on topics in systematic theology have been published in British and American journals. His special interests are the works of John Henry Newman and Bernard Lonergan. He is also the editor of a volume of invited essays titled Theology and Lived Christianity (Mystic, Connecticut: Twenty-Third Publications, 2000). His current book project (in its final stages) is an introduction to the foundations of Christian Theology, tentatively titled The Measure of Faith. In addition to teaching in the Theology Department at Saint Joseph College, he is currently serving as an adjunct professor of philosophy and religion at High Point University in High Point, North Carolina.