Fr. Frank Donio, SAC
Fr. Frank Donio, SACOnline Theology Faculty
DMin, The Catholic University of America
MDiv, Washington Theological Union
MA, The Catholic University of America
BA, The Catholic University of America

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Fr. Frank Donio, SAC, DMin, a member of the Society of the Catholic Apostolate (Pallottine Fathers and Brothers), is director of the Catholic Apostolate Center. He has an extensive background in young adult ministry, particularly at the collegiate level and has assisted pastorally at various universities in Maryland and the District of Columbia over the last 16 years. He regularly assists at The Catholic University of America, at the Catholic Student Center at the University of Maryland College Park, and is adjunct faculty at Saint Joseph's College in the online theology program. He has also taught undergraduate courses in pastoral ministry and Catholic mission at The Catholic University of America.