From Nurse Practitioner programs, Nursing Administration, Nursing Education, and dual MSN degrees, we are here to help you select the right track for you.

So which one should you choose?

It depends upon what you see yourself doing or what you are striving for.

What job would you like to be doing at the end of your education?

Nursing professor works one on one with nursing student in classroom skills lab

If Your Career Goal is:

You want to teach nursing in a community college or undergraduate program OR you want to work as a hospital educator teaching patients and staff, then choose

  • MSN Nurse Educator

You want to work as a Director of Nursing, Vice President of Nursing* or a Chief Nursing Officer*, then choose

  • MSN as Nurse Administrator or

  • MSN/ MHA dual degree or

  • MSN/ MBA dual degree

*If you want to move to a VP or CNO position in a healthcare organization, the dual degrees will provide you with more in depth information for those positions.

You want to take care of patients diagnosing and treating illnesses and providing health promotion services. then choose

  • FNP




But what are the differences between them?

  • Family nurse practitioners take care of patients from birth to death.
  • FNPs are primary care roles meaning that they work in primary care offices or clinics or nursing homes. They assess, diagnose and treat common ailments and chronic diseases for all ages. They also provide wellness visits.
  • FNPs do not work in the ER or as hospitalists.
  • FNPs do not normally work in specialty offices such as cardiology, pulmonology, oncology or nephrology.
  • FNPs are trained in skills such as suturing, lesion removals, I&Ds, reading EKGs and xrays and performing pap smears.
  • Your training will be in the areas of young and middle adult care, pediatric care, women’s health and geriatric care.
  • Adult Gerontological Acute Care nurse practitioners take care of patients 18 years and older.
  • AGACNPs treat patients in the ER, hospital, urgent cares and specialty offices. They are trained to assess, diagnose and treat patients with acute and complex chronic diseases.
  • AGACNPs do not work in family practice offices.
  • AGACNPs are trained in skills such as suturing, central line insertions, intubations with glidescopes , reading EKGs and xrays, and chest tube insertions.
  • Your training will be based in the acute, chronic and complex problems that adult patients experience.
  • AGPCNPs take care of patients from adolescence to death.
  • AGPCNPs are primary care roles meaning that they work in primary care offices or clinics or nursing homes. They assess, diagnose and treat common ailments and chronic diseases for 13 and above. They also provide wellness visits.
  • AGPCNPs do not work in the ER or as hospitalists.
  • AGPCNPs do not normally work in specialty offices such as cardiology, pulmonology, oncology or nephrology.
  • AGPCNPs are trained in skills such as suturing, lesion removals, I&Ds, reading EKGs and xrays and performing pap smears.
  • Your training will be in the areas of adolescent care, young and middle adult care, and geriatric care.
  • PMHNPs take care of patients from birth to death for mental health issues.
  • PMHNPs are primary care roles meaning that they provide primary care services for patients with mental health or psychiatric disorders for all ages. They normally work in an office or clinic setting although they may go to the hospital or nursing home.
  • PMHNPs are trained in skills such as individual and group psychotherapy, trauma focused care, emergency psychiatric care, restraints and seclusion.
  • Your training will be in the mental health areas for young and middle adult care, pediatric care, and geriatric care.

Still not sure which one is right for you?

Reach out to the Chair of the Nursing Department for guidance:
Kelly Hudock CRNP, DNP, CNE

Or the Program Director, Graduate Nursing:
Yvette Lowery, CRNP DNP

Ready to apply?

If you haven’t yet created an applicant portal account yet, please visit

If you have created an applicant portal but haven’t started or submitted your application yet, please visit

Contact Info
Online Admissions Office
800 752 4723
Text: 207-893-7841
Hours: M-Th 8:30am to 8pm; Fridays 8:30am to 4:30pm