Who to Contact for Support - A Guide for Faculty

Brightspace Technical Support
Technology-Enhanced Instruction:  asktei@sjcme.edu

Brightspace Training
Technology-Enhanced Instruction: Liza Dalfonso | ldalfonso@sjcme.edu

Instructional Design Consultation
Technology-Enhanced Instruction: asktei@sjcme.edu

Textbooks or Course Packs
Academic Affairs: Janlee Crawford | jcrawford@sjcme.edu

Microsoft Office – Accessing SJC’s Office 365 portal to download and install programs
Information Technology Services:  207-893-7851 | iteam@sjcme.edu

SJC email
Information Technology Services:  207-893-7851 | iteam@sjcme.edu

SJC login (password issues)
Information Technology Services:  207-893-7851 | iteam@sjcme.edu

Campus Café
Information Technology Services:  207-893-7851 | iteam@sjcme.edu

Directing your question to the appropriate department will help expedite a response, but know that if your question ends up in the wrong place, TEI, the Wellehan Library and IT staff will ensure it gets to the right one.