Laurie Murphy
Laurie MurphyAssociate Professor, Business Department
MS, Southern New Hampshire University
BS, Franklin Pierce College

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Alfond Hall 436 | 207-893-7560 |

Laurie Murphy has over 20 years of experience as a human resource practitioner serving in leadership roles of several successful small to medium sized businesses in New England.  Murphy holds several HR certifications including the Society of Human Resources Management Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP), the Human Resources Certification Institutes’s Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) and WorldAtWork’s Certified Compensation Professional (CCP). She has been a long term member of the Society of Human Resources Management and WorldAtWork.

She teaches a variety of Human Resource Management courses, Business Internship, Organizational Behavior and Senior Business Seminar.  Her research interests include undergraduate pedagogy, personality and gender in the classroom, and undergraduate teaching methods. She has published empirical research in several journals and presented at a variety of academic conferences.

When she has a free moment, Murphy enjoys spending time on Little Sebago Lake, playing with her dog Portia, watching the latest Netflix series, and relaxing with her husband Kevin.

For more information about Professor Murphy, please visit her LinkedIn profile:


Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM)


New England Psychological Association (NEPA)

Eastern Psychological Association (EPA)

Association for Psychological Science (APS)


Eduljee, N.B., Murphy, L, & Croteau, K. (2022). Digital distractions, mindfulness, and academic performance with undergraduate college students.  Forthcoming in Clinical Applications of Meditation and Mindfulness-Based Interventions in Mental Health, IGI Global Publishers.

Nina B. Eduljee, Laurie Murphy, Meredith Emigh-Guy & Karen Croteau (2023) Student Perceptions about HyFlex/Hybrid Delivery of Courses during the COVID-19 Pandemic, College Teaching, DOI: 10.1080/87567555.2023.2208815

Eduljee, N.B., Chakravarty, R., Croteau, K., and Murphy L. (2022) Understanding research trends in hyflex (hybrid flexible) instruction model: A scientometric approach. International Journal of Instruction 15(4), 935-954.

Croteau, Karen, Eduljee, Nina B., Murphy, Laurie, & Rosene. John. (2022). Injuries in Masters Field Hockey Players Competing in the 2018 World Cup: Comparisons of Prevalence, Location, and Type by Age, Sex, and Field Hockey Experience. International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training. Advance online publication.

Croteau, K., Eduljee, N., & Murphy, L. (2021). Health, lifestyle behaviours, and well-being of International Masters field hockey athletes. International Sports Studies, 43(2), 6–25. https://doi:10.30819/iss.43-2.02

Eduljee, N. B., Dadina, S., Croteau, K., & Murphy, L. (2021). Patterns of internet usage with Indian college students: A comparative study.  Journal of Psychosocial Research, 16(1), 1-15.

Murphy, L., Eduljee, N. B., & Croteau, K. (2021). Teacher-Centered versus Student-Centered Teaching: Preferences and Differences Across Academic Majors. Journal of Effective Teaching in Higher Education, 4(1), 18-39.

Murphy, L., Eduljee, N. B., & Croteau, K. (2020). College Student Transition to Virtual Classes during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Northeastern United States. Pedagogical Research, 5(1), em00xx.

Murphy, L., Eduljee, N.B., Parkman, S., & Croteau, K. (2020) Relationship between personality type and preferred teaching methods for undergraduate college students. International Journal of Research in Education and Science, 6(1), 100-109.

Croteau, K.A., Eduljee, N.B., Murphy, L., Ahearn, L., & Volpe, S. (2019). Health and lifestyle behaviors of U.S. Masters field hockey players. The Sport Journal, 21, 1-21.

Croteau, K.A. Eduljee, N.B., Murphy, L., & Volpe, S. (2019). Health and well-being of U.S. Masters 2018 World Cup field hockey players. Summary report submitted to U.S.A. Field Hockey.

Murphy, L., Eduljee N.B., Parkman, S., & Croteau, K. (2018). Gender differences in teaching and classroom participation methods: A pilot study. Journal of Psychosocial Research, 13(2), 307-319.

Murphy, L., Eduljee N.B., Croteau, K., & Parkman, S. (2017). Extraversion and introversion personality type and preferred teaching and classroom participation: A Pilot Study. Journal of Psychosocial Research, 12(2), 427-440.

Peer Reviewed Conference Abstracts and Presentations

Murphy, L., Eduljee, N., Emigh-Guy, M., & Croteau, K. (2022). Student Perceptions About Course Delivery Modality Preferences During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Annual Meeting of the New England  Psychological Association.

Murphy, L., Eduljee, N.B., & Croteau, K. (2021, March). College Student Transition to Synchronous Virtual Classes During the COVID-19 Pandemic.  Paper presented to the 92nd Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Murphy, L., Eduljee, N.B, Croteau, K. (2020, November). Digital Distractions, Mindfulness, and Academic Performance with Undergraduate College Students. Paper to be presented at the 61st Annual Meeting of the New England Psychological Association, Manchester, NH.

Croteau, K., Eduljee, N., Murphy, L., & Volpe, S. (2020). Health and lifestyle behaviors of International master’s world cup field hockey players. American College of Sports Medicine’s 66th Annual Meeting – Virtual Conference. Abstract published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 52(7s), S541.

Murphy, L., Eduljee, N.B., & Croteau, K. (2020, March). Relationship between personality type and preferred teaching methods for undergraduate college students.  Paper presented to the 91st Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Murphy, L., Eduljee, N.B, Croteau, K., & Parkman, S. (2019, November). Comparison of MBTI dichotomies, teaching and classroom participation for social science majors paper presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the New England Psychological Association, Manchester, NH.

Croteau, K., Eduljee, N.B, Murphy, L., & Ahearn. L. (2019). Health and lifestyle behaviors of U.S. masters world cup field hockey players. American College of Sports Medicine’s 66th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. Abstract published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 51(5).

Murphy, L., Eduljee, N.B, Croteau, K., & Parkman, S. (2019, March). Gender, preferred teaching methods, and classroom activities: A study of undergraduate college students. Paper presented to the 90th Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York City, NY.

Murphy, L., Eduljee, N.B, Croteau, K., & Parkman, S.  (2018, November). Relationship between personality type and preferred teaching methods for social science majors. Paper presented at the 59th Annual Meeting of the New England Psychological Association, Worcester, MA.

Parkman, S., Murphy L., Croteau, K., & Eduljee, N.B. (2018, October). Personality type of nursing students and preferred teaching methods:  A partnership for success.  Poster presented at the 2018 Nurse Educators Conference, North Falmouth, MA.

Murphy, L., Eduljee, N.B., Croteau, K., & Parkman, S.  (2018, March). Gender, preferred teaching methods, and classroom activities: A pilot study.  Paper presented to the 89th Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Murphy, L., Croteau, K., & Eduljee, N.B. (2017, October). Personality type, preferred teaching methods, and classroom activities: A pilot study. Paper presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the New England Psychological Association, Newton, MA.

Murphy, L., Croteau, K., & Eduljee, N.B. (2017, May). Personality styles and preferred teaching methods. Poster presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Association for Psychological Science National Convention, Boston, MA.


Saint Joseph’s College of Maine, Teaching Excellence Award 2020 (student nominated)

CPP,  Inc.,  Publisher of the  Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. research grants worth $5,360 to study the relationship between the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Personality Types and students’ preferences for classroom teaching and participation methods. (September 2016)

CPP,  Inc.,  Publisher of the  Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. research grant worth $5,360 to study the relationship between the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Personality Types and students’ preferences for classroom teaching and participation methods. July 2017)

CPP,  Inc.,  Publisher of the  Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. research grant worth $3,160 to study the relationship between the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Personality Types and students’ preferences for classroom teaching and participation methods. (December 2017)