Course Reserves

Wellehan Library staff manage a physical reserve shelf and an electronic reserves (e-reserves) system in Brightspace. Both provide faculty with the ability to make available to their students required course readings for educational and non-commercial use only.

Information Literacy

Faculty may request specialized, course-related information literacy instruction for students by contacting  Lynn Bivens at 207-893-7726.

Collection Development

  • Collection Development Policy - Principles and guidelines upon which decisions are made when adding or withdrawing materials from the library’s collection.


  • Use the  Online Journal Portal to determine if a journal, magazine, or newspaper is available online in one of the library's research databases. (View a brief video tutorial.)


Check out our comprehensive website for faculty and staff concerning copyright.

Borrowing Policy

Library Cards

All Saint Joseph's College ID cards are imprinted with a library barcode. In order to check materials out of the library, a valid SJC ID must be presented.

Borrowing Privileges

Saint Joseph's College faculty and staff may check out Wellehan Library circulating items for one semester with one renewal of one semester.

For items requested from Minerva/MaineCat libraries or borrowed through interlibrary loan, due dates and renewals will vary as they are set by the lending libraries. Due dates will be clearly indicated for all items.

Departing faculty and staff are expected to return all library materials on or before their final day of employment.

Overdue, Lost, or Damaged Materials

A faculty/staff member will receive notification by e-mail when an item becomes overdue.

When an item is more than three weeks overdue, the faculty/staff member will be billed and his/her library record blocked until the item is returned or the bill is paid. A blocked record prohibits check-out of Wellehan Library materials as well as materials from other GPACU libraries, requests of items through Minerva and MaineCat, and processing of interlibrary loan requests.

For Wellehan Library items:
  • A bill for the cost of each item plus a $25.00 processing fee per item will be sent to the faculty/staff member by e-mail and via campus mail.
  • Faculty/staff members will be billed for lost items as well as for items returned but damaged beyond repair.
  • Billed items which have been paid for and are subsequently found in good condition may be returned for credit for the cost of each item, but not the $25.00 processing fee, within one year.
For items requested from Minerva/MaineCat libraries or borrowed through interlibrary loan:
  • Overdue fines and replacement charges will vary as they are set by the lending libraries.
  • Bills received by Wellehan Library for overdue, lost, or damaged items will be forwarded to the borrowing faculty/staff member.

Please note: Borrowing items from other libraries is a courtesy extended to faculty and staff by libraries across the state and the country. Failure to return items in a timely fashion jeopardizes the lending library's willingness to fill future borrowing requests submitted by Wellehan Library.

Library Cards for Immediate, Adult Family Members

The collections of the Wellehan Library are intended primarily to support the students, faculty, and staff of Saint Joseph’s College; however, immediate, adult family members of College faculty and staff may request free Wellehan Library courtesy cards.  “Immediate, adult family members” are defined as spouses and children age 18 or over who reside at the same address as the SJC faculty or staff member.

For more information, see the  complete policy and library card request form.