



278 Whites Bridge Road Standish, ME 04084
Where Community Grows.
Where Community Grows.

We Are Community

Saint Joe’s is the place where student life and community life come together.

St. Joe’s means business

Saint Joseph’s College has approved plans to start a college-wide business development initiative that will create and market programs and events for potential clients. When it operated solely within the college’s online division for the past two years, the business development effort organized quarterly workshops and annual symposia, created customized training programs for local businesses, [...]

2021-10-07T10:09:59-04:00August 1st, 2012|Categories: Summer 2012|Tags: , , , |

Double alumni

A growing number of on-campus graduates earn advanced degrees online from Saint Joseph's. Like many Saint Joseph’s graduates, Jessica Arsenault Gurney crossed the stage to receive her bachelor’s degree in elementary education in 2005 with hope, a happy heart, and a bit of sadness, too. “When I left St. Joe’s, it was very bittersweet,” Gurney [...]

2021-10-07T10:10:02-04:00August 1st, 2011|Categories: Summer 2011|Tags: , , |

New integrated communications majors

The college has announced two new integrated majors, one in sports communications and one in business communications. The new majors will enable students with combined interests in two fields to earn their bachelor’s degree in communications within a broadened program that includes a significant number of courses from the companion area. Sports communications is designed [...]

2021-10-07T10:10:03-04:00August 1st, 2011|Categories: Summer 2011|Tags: , |

College picks new leader for online graduate business programs

Nancy Kristiansen will fit right in as the new program director for online graduate business programs. After all, she authored some of the first courses for the Leadership MBA program when it began in 2003 and has taught those courses online since then. “I understand the Leadership MBA program really well,” she says. Kristiansen worked [...]

2021-10-07T10:10:09-04:00August 1st, 2010|Categories: Summer 2010|Tags: , , |

Jesse LaCasse ’03

Baseball star’s handmade bats hit it off with players Ask Maine native Jesse LaCasse ’03 why he makes custom wooden baseball bats and he’ll answer simply, “For the love of the game.” LaCasse, who earned a degree in sports management from Saint Joseph’s and excelled on the baseball diamond for the Monks, began making wooden [...]

2021-10-07T10:10:10-04:00May 1st, 2010|Categories: Spring 2010|Tags: , , |

College adds two online graduate programs

Nurse practitioner program becomes specialty within graduate nursing degree Nurses can now obtain their accredited family nurse practitioner course work online through Saint Joseph’s College. The family nurse practitioner (FNP) classes can be done either as part of the Master in Nursing (MSN) degree or as a post-MSN certificate. “There are only a handful of [...]

2021-10-07T10:10:11-04:00May 1st, 2010|Categories: Spring 2010|Tags: , , |

Sports management internships land students in good position

The very first ball game Chris Taylor worked during his internship with the minor league Memphis Redbirds left him a bit “shell-shocked.” Trot Nixon stood nearby. Major League Baseball (MLB) commissioner Bud Selig passed him in the hall. His inaugural day turned out to be the day of a national MLB event to commemorate the [...]

2021-10-07T10:10:11-04:00May 1st, 2010|Categories: Spring 2010|Tags: , , , |

Companies get youthful advice. Students taste corporate world.

Thanks to students majoring in human resource management, a local law firm now uses Facebook, an insurance company has the ability to "tweet," and a nearby hospital knows what it will take to retain its new crop of Generation Y and Z employees. The major is a mere two years old, but under the tutelage of [...]

2021-10-07T10:10:13-04:00November 30th, 2009|Categories: Fall 2009|Tags: , , , , , |